BHEL – Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.:

Bharat Heavy Electicals Ltd. partnered with HFI and at present supporting the project called "Heal A Soul - III". Through this project 100 P/Cwh are receving treatment support of Anti hemophilic factor(AHF) from aspirational district.

Give India:
Sponsorship for AHF: Donations received through Give India help HFI in a big way to provide life saving AHF to C/PwHs in emergency.

SOL – Save One Life (USA):
SOL  is supporting basic necessities of CwH and their parents such as school fee, books, transportation and treatment etc. through general donations, scholarship and income generation programmes. The number of children supported under SOL project has increased considerably over the years.

Novo Nordisk Haemophilia Foundation:

Project "Unify Hemophilia Federation India (HFI)" for development of chapter through chapter key- person training and capacity building program.