National Musculoskeletal (MSK) Meeting 2018


New Delhi, 1st & 2nd December 2018: Hemophilia Federation (India), HFI in association with Novo Nordisk Haemophilia Foundation (NNHF) organized a National Level Musculoskeletal Workshop (MSK Workshop) as part of the MSK Project headed by Dr. Pamela Narayan (Consultant Physiotherapist & MSK Project Lead) at Lemon Tree Hotel, IGI Airport Aerocity Hospitality District, New Delhi.
Mrs. Vinita Sirvastava (National Co-ordinator, Blood Cell, NHM) was the Chief Guest on the occasion and the Guest of Honor was Dr. Greig Blamey (Canada), Chair, MSK Committee, World Federation of Hemophilia. The Novo Nordisk Haemophilia Foundation was represented by Mr. Shady Sedhom, Programme Manager, NNHF for Africa, Middle and Near East and Caucasus. It was a comprehensive meeting involving physiotherapists, physicians and orthopaedics. As part of the MSK Project deliverables, education material such as exercise guide and physiotherapy videos will also be prepared and shared country-wide among the stakeholders.
The physiotherapists trained in skills to treat Hemophilia, can be of use to the society at large and utilize their skills to treat general population for arthritis and pain management. The physiotherapists were not only educated but they exchanged experiences in treatment and management of MSK complications in Hemophilia. Mrs. Vinita Srivastava appreciated the role of HFI in promoting research and training. She took note of the challenges/suggestions and assured support from the Health Ministry.
The 2nd day of meeting begin with talk by Dr. Greig on "MSK Assessment Tools" and followed by a live workshop in which 10-12 Hemophilia patients were assessed on their musculoskeletal morbidities and disabilities. All the physiotherapists gave their feedbacks and received participation certificates.

MSK Project
The project is almost 3 years old now and is in its 3rd Phase. In the build up to this National workshop 8 regional workshops were held earlier in all the four regions (North, East, South & West) of the country. In the regional workshops, in addition to training on musculoskeletal morbidities, the Physiotherapists were also trained on using an online MSK Registry to help gather more information about the MSK problems among C/PwHs of our country.
The MSK Project raised awareness and promoted the use of an online registry where recorded data of Musculoskeletal morbidity and Bleed reports etc. is being kept online so physiotherapists can have regular access to it.
Many PwHs suffer from frequent joint and muscle bleeds resulting in pain and disability due to a lack of clotting factor concentrates. As a result, Physiotherapy is the only inexpensive way to treat and PREVENT joint/muscle bleeds in Hemophilia. An expert Physiotherapist aware of Hemophilia will be helpful in strengthening muscles of PwH in a factor scarce country like ours. More MSK professionals are required to meet the needs of PwHs in a vast country such as ours. This forum has brought together like minded MSK professionals with an interest in bleeding disorders.




Facility Survey Questionnaire
Self Administered Questionnaire


PwH information Leaflet
Patient informed Consent
AIM:The aim of the Project is to improve the Physio therapy and MSK Resource for PWH in India. SOUTH: Hyderabad, 6th & 7th Feb. 2016
Venue: Hotel Golkonda, Hyd.
Invitation Programme
FOCUS:To train Physiothera- pists in the use of an online MSK Registry which will help to gather more information about the MSK problems among the PWH living in India. NORTH: Lucknow 14th April, 2016
Venue: Hotel The Grand Radiant
Invitation Programme
ELIGIBILITY CRITARION:You should be a graduate Physio- therapists with a minimum of two years of clinical experience You should have an interest in treating PwH in their local Community/Chapter/Hospital. EAST: Kolkata 18th & 19th, June 2016
Venue: DEE Empresa Hotel
Invitation Programme
WEST: Surat, 9th April, 2016
Venue: Embassy Hotel
Invitation Programme
Dr. Pamela Narayan
HFI- MSK Project Lead
Executive Member HFI
Mob: 9989335361, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lakshmi Neuro Centre, 3-6-191/1/1, Hyderguda 500029,

Meeting of Physiotherapists at Leonia Resorts, Hyderabad, Jan 13 - 14, 2018

A meeting of physiotherapists was held in January this year at Leonia Resorts, Hyderabad as part of the 3 year long HFI -NNHF sponsored MSK Project. The project is in the Phase 3 now. Presently, dedicated physiotherapists from 15 HTCs across the country are studying the Efficacy of Physiotherapy Treatment Protocols under the lead of Dr. Pamela Narayan, Physiotherapist from Hyderabad.

Impact of MSK Training (Phase 1 & Phase 2) in increasing the Physiotherapy Resource in the country.

Physiotherapists trained under the MSK Project are now treating Children and Person with Hemophilia of their Local Community, Chapter and Hospitals.